By getyourownbike - 12/05/2009 23:11 - United States

Today, I rode my bike to the store because I only had a few things to pick up. When I walked back out after five minutes, my bike was stolen. I had gone to the store to buy a new bike lock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 811
You deserved it 12 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you didn't have a decent lock why did you ride your bike and leave it where it could get stolen?

If you didn't already have a lock for your bike, you shouldn't have taken it to the store. Leaving your bike unlocked outside unattended is just asking for it to be stolen.


That's gotta suck. Sorry dude! Karma is beautiful...chances are that they got hit by a bus while escaping! Hahaha

RottenKid 0

hows that for Irony yeah dude FYL

crownme 0

Damn that sucks but why the hell didn't you tie it up or somethin ?

randomsloth 0

im gonna go a head and say you deserved that one

liz1908 0

... and what did you learn???

couragewolf9001 0

Did you expect sympathy from us?

couragewolf9001 0

If I were you, I'd stop talking about this. In the end, it makes you look irresponsible.

And you didn't think the bike was going to get stolen... why? YDI. You were obviously going to buy a bike lock for the same reason you ended up losing your bike