By UH-OH - 15/03/2009 04:22 - United States

Today, I sat next to an attractive punk-rock guy on a plane. I tried impressing him by playing music I thought he would like. I clicked on The Who and opened a large window with the album cover so he could see. The track then shuffled, and he was faced with a giant picture of Miley Cyrus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 704
You deserved it 117 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the who is rock n roll. not punk. and if you're someone that listens to miley cyrus and thinks the who is punk he probably wouldn't have been interested in you anyway.


punk guys HATE The Who anyway. better luck next time.


foryoublue94 0

haha, I've only got one song in my iTunes that I'm ashamed of and I may have deleted it but don't listen to Disney music if you want to impress anyone in public XD

wrestler_fml 0

#47, I love how you whiny punk kids always want to stick together and have music that is "in" and music that is "out", and you have specific ways you are supposed to dress, and specific ways to act, and what sports are acceptable for punk/rock/goth kids to do, and which ones aren't..... and then those same whiny punk kids moan and b*tch about people stereotyping them! WELL, I WONDER F*CKING WHY!!?!?!?!?!! MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE SO SERIOUS ABOUT STEREOTYPING OURSELVES! You punks complain about conformity and sneer at regular people who wear prep or jock clothes, or just dress normally... did it ever occur to you that the natural way people "express themselves" isn't to wear giant fancy baggy hottopic pants and a black T-shirt, but usually is just to wear what looks good and is comfortable? Cuz I've worn that kinda stuff before, and it IS NOT COMFORTABLE OR GOOD-LOOKING! So do me a favor, and stop stereotyping yourselves, and limiting the potential of your miserable punk lives, before you complain that others are stereotyping you! Because YES WE STEREOTYPE- BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN WE'RE NOT CORRECT IN OUR ASSUMPTIONS OF YOU! omfg =========== and as to the people who said "wtf" about miley cyrus: clarification I DO NOT LIKE HER MUSIC, I just think she's hot! Thats ALL. and since im 16 that's OK for me to say! and blink-182 and sum-41 are beast, wtf are you talking about? have a house party and tell me you dont play dat shit

thats called trying too hard, u deserve that for having miley whatever on there anyway.

53, not everyone who listens to punk music is one of those stuck up, hot topic kids. i love the music, but ill wear what i ****** want to and what looks nice, ill go shop at wet seal if i want to, and i dont give a shit what my friends think, and the thing is, they DONT CARE. at all. not one bit. its sad that the music attracts some idiots, but not everyone who listens and believes in it is lame. and also, blink 182 and sum 41 are stupid as hell posers, but if you wanna listen to em, go head. and miley cyrus is pretty, for a young girl. i wouldnt think shes "hot" because shes like.. jailbait. i dont like her music, and her style is pretty tacky, but im not gonna say shes the root of all evil. and also, for the record, the who is pre-punk and they kick ass. and anyone who listens to punk should appreciate the roots.

wazza_fml 0

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I decided that was a deserved fail. Listening to miley cirus is like joining the hitler youth.

since when do punks not like the who? we love the who! It's proto-punk. Ramones would've never existed had it not been for their influence as well as lots of others(Stooges, MC5 Velvet Underground). Not all punks are snobs #52. you should learn to stop talking out of your ass. you most likely don't even know any real punks or have never even seen one. Your entire comment makes about as much sense as British humor. Punks don't wear baggy pants.... nor do they shop at hot topic. We don't sneer at people about being conformists or bullshit like that either. Seriously, quit watching so much ******* television and get out there in the real world. If you think punks are so full of shit, why don't you go out to a couple shows and see how it is?

Boo, you poser. You don't have to impress anyone to get them to like you.

#55 - word. # 53 - you probably like blink 182 and sum 41 because you are 16. i do not play that crap at parties and i do not think i've even been to a party that has played it. ... but sometimes i'll rock out to vanilla ice. =P

ashleyy_fml 0

Miley actually is fantastic. And you shouldn't be embarrassed about what you listen too, and also not try to impress people with certain types of music.