By Gemma - 03/11/2010 11:23 - United Kingdom

Today, I saw a portable speed camera on the highway and braked hard. I caused a 4 car pile-up and my car is totaled. It wasn't a speed camera. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 166
You deserved it 60 777

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You ought to lose your license. From personal experience with a jackass who did the same thing to me, I can tell you that your insurance isn't going to compensate your victims the true value of their vehicles. They will be out several thousand dollars and loads of time dealing with the mess because of what you did.

therevolution 0

wow that's so stupid...I don't think anything else needs to be said.


Here's a plan asswipe.. don't speed. People DIE because of shit like this and anyone here who thinks this is funny is a complete idiot.

no no you don't get an fml the fml should be the people you wrecked into. it would say Today while driving on the interstate the moron in front of me slammed on the breaks for no reason. after causing a 4 car pileup the police asked why they slammed in the breaks. the said they though they saw a speed camera...FML

Anaxes 5

That's actually a story on FML

you are sooooo stupid!!! how did you even get your license?!?!

So, you endangered lives to avoid a speeding ticket? You're an a-hole.

why in the he'll would you brake hard instead of just slowing down? you could have seriously injured or even killed someone doing that. ydi for speeding in the first place!

Anaxes 5

"Speed cameras count you as speeding, even if its 5 miles / 8 kilos above the limit" "Speed cameras count you as speeding, even if its above the limit" Do you not see anything wrong here?

Hopersz 0

Hmm 83# if your comment was directed at me how was I being selfish? You call me selfish? 84# Im sorry for your loss

aadk 0

Ok you're retarded. First of all, who brakes hard on the freeway? Second, by posting this FML, you're already admitting fault. You could've gotten away with having to pay everyone by saying you eased on your brakes but the car behind you rear ended you. This would have saved you a lot of money

You're a ******* moron, you're lucky you didn't kill anyone.