By photomark - 13/12/2011 06:32 - United States

Today, I saw a quarter in my poop. My friends say I do stupid things when I get drunk. Apparently, eating change is one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 512
You deserved it 37 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kepp checking your poop you could be rich by next month

davidisbeast 12

At least you got the quarter back :D that's a whole TWENTY FIVE cents !


ninjuh_wingman 29

At least if someone asks for change, all you have to say do is go to the bathroom.

You do know that money is the dirtiest thing in the world, don't you? It's as if you licked the fingers of millions of people by swallowing that coin.....FYL OP.

SpeshulK 0

And now that coins even dirtier

adamcichuttek 2

It's a pretty good place to keep your money.

davidisbeast 12

Wtf is this app about?!?! Why the f*** am I writing this? WTF!!!

WTF dude eating change? I've heard of doing stupid things drunk but I must say this is the weirdest

Capt_Oblivious 10

You make change. Where does one swipe the card if we don't have cash?