By Anonymous - 08/02/2011 18:32 - United States

Today, I saw an attractive, thin woman eating a salad. Trying to be smooth, I approached her and told her that she didn't need to eat so scarcely, because she was beautiful. She promptly gave me a dirty look and informed me that she was a vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 678
You deserved it 50 552

Same thing different taste


When trying to pick women, it's best to just not say anything about their weight. Try a simple "hi" and a smile next time...

YDI for insinuating she had an eating disorder just because she was eating a salad.

This is about the most retarded fml I've seen on here. You're an ass for hitting on a woman like that. Don't assume that just because she is thin she should be eating a hamburger and french fries. Girls have weight problems because of dicks like you. Btw: beauty should not be measured by weight.

Kelita 0

Ur no Casanova urself cause ur rude.

Actually, 59, fruits taste delicious in salads, especially apples. I suggest waldorf (I think that's how you spell it) salad :). It's to die for!

Kelita 0

don't take the comment to heart lol I was just messin since u kinda blew on me on a diff FML lol

sweetonsno 1

If he had just called her beautiful, she'd be a jerk. However, by assuring her that she didn't need to "eat so scarcely," he was assuming that she was self-conscious about her weight or on a diet. That is not a compliment at all.

best to stay away from her if she finds out you beat your meat to her she will call animal cruelty services

FriskyCoconut 0

what does eating have to do with being beautiful? that's the worst pickup line ever. I get you were trying to say she's thin and doesn't need to diet blablabla but really? the way u worded it sounds just stupid.