By Anonymous - 08/02/2011 18:32 - United States

Today, I saw an attractive, thin woman eating a salad. Trying to be smooth, I approached her and told her that she didn't need to eat so scarcely, because she was beautiful. She promptly gave me a dirty look and informed me that she was a vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 678
You deserved it 50 552

Same thing different taste


shit, vegetarians can eat more than just salads... she was just being a bitch. f her and good for you for approaching her and giving her a compliment!

varkey 7

vegetarians only don't eat salads still, you're really stupid for saying that, most people don't eat salads to lose weight but eat them because they like salads... so YDI, moron

its not the ops fault. vegetarians don't always eat salad. I'm a vegetarian and there are LOTS of options other than salad that don't include meat

Somedood117 0

am I the only one who didn't think he was a dick for doing that. someone here care to explain.

That's why you ask her if she is vegetarian before xD

Well, simply eating a salad doesn't really indicate vegetarianism.

wow. people need to put on their reading glasses. he didn't say "oh look your eating a salad why are you because your are skinny." no he said why are you eating so scarcely and that she is BEAUTIFUL. he wasn't referring hardly to the fact she wasn't fat but to how little she was eating and how nice she looked. nice move OP.

sweetonsno 1

You do see how "you don't need to eat so little" could be taken to mean "I think you are deliberately choosing to eat little and am trying to reassure you that it isn't necessary," don't you? People generally don't offer reassurance to those they assume are confident.

Being a vegetarian is a lifestyle, but not one that a majority of the population chooses so that girl was a bitch for expecting you to know that she was a vegetarian solely off what she was eating.