By burnedboy - 18/01/2010 19:39 - United States

Today, I saw Avatar in iMax 3D. Towards the end of the movie I jump, yelled, and spilled my drink all over the people in front of me because I thought a burning piece of ash landed on my leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 618
You deserved it 44 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Ensemble; Shiites are not muslim. They're just douches who claim to be muslim while making their own religion.

Umm and what gives you the right to decide which sect is actually part of Islam? You're an idiot

facu 0

more like fml for the people sitting in front....unless they beat u up

somethingnew24 0

your an idiot and stop putting fake fmls in here

Dante15 3

3D is stupid and that movie wasn't even that great it was alright.

And the lack of smoke, burning sensations etc. was not enough of a clue?? Fail.

pooda50 0

this should have been posted by the people you dumped your drink all over, unless you're that upset about not having that drink anymore.