By burnedboy - 18/01/2010 19:39 - United States

Today, I saw Avatar in iMax 3D. Towards the end of the movie I jump, yelled, and spilled my drink all over the people in front of me because I thought a burning piece of ash landed on my leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 618
You deserved it 44 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I don't see this as an FML. I see it as a FTL. However, it sure sounds funny to do. Hehe! "Wow, these 3D graphics are great! They're almost real! Ah, look out!" You just look down at the soaked and sticky people in front of you. "Ooh, sorry about that!"

daneeyoll 0

where'd the thought of burning ash come from?

adonals 0

They burn a tree in the movie and in 3D it looks like you are surronded by burning ash. I have only seen a pirated version at home lol. One of my girlfriends saw it in 3D tho and said it was sooo realistic... Its like a 3hr movie tho idk if I couold watch it agian I didnt think it was that great

magarkatherine 1

hahahahahaha I can totally see my best friend doing something ditzy like that =p

rizzachel 0

hey I just saw that was a good movie..and did you know they have support groups for that movie..idk why tho

T.T i wear glasses, watching something in 3D is like " **** you nerd you don't desreve to see awesome 3D effects because you were lens that can't work with a paper with red and blue lens" FML oh and OP i think you smoked something before you saw that movie or.. during >.> :D

I wear glasses , and the glsasses they give you fit easilly over glasses, and is not the classic red blue kind, so the extra lenses do not affect it as much

Maybe it was just me, but wearing the 3D glasses over my glasses made me a little nauseous. I had to take off my real glasses so I didn't feel sick.

TallMist 32

3D in cinemas use plastic glasses. I always would put those over my own glasses and they worked fine.

iBlazer 0

Either fake, or the OP is a fucktard...

A. You're an idiot. Even if it had, it loses heat too quickly to burn you. B. Bet you wished it was a burning piece of ass instead! ;p

You are the reason normal people can't enjoy things in public places. YDI.

haha damn they must have been pissed off lol !