By burnedboy - 18/01/2010 19:39 - United States

Today, I saw Avatar in iMax 3D. Towards the end of the movie I jump, yelled, and spilled my drink all over the people in front of me because I thought a burning piece of ash landed on my leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 618
You deserved it 44 597

Same thing different taste

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I didn't think any of the ashes were landing on me because I still had a grasp on reality, but I know what you mean. It was near the end and my boyfriend thought I was losing my mind because I jumped out of my skin after seeing a piece of ash come down just to the left of my eye. I actually ignored the entire movie to watch it.

Cartain 0

If the piece of ash was there for the entire movie, it probably wasn't from the movie.

OP, your an idiot the 3d isn't that realistic and yes i've seen it

how the he'll is still eating and drinking at the end of a movie? WTF that is weird

MyKillz 0

Lol, i had that same fealing throughout the movie!

Cartain 0

This is either yet another advertising on this site or you shouldn't be allowed to go out in public. Either way, FY.

APdrum 0

the ash was the most real part. and you watched it at an imax

messinax33 0

that's so funny. I wanna see it so bad at the IMAX theater.

This site needs renaming to LAF, Lame Advertising Fail...

youthink_fml 0

Someone has a problem separating reality from make-believe. YDI.