By Sam - 18/01/2010 17:05 - United States
Same thing different taste
What was I thinking?!
By Infadel - 22/07/2014 21:55 - United States - San Marcos
Mom! Stop!
By Anonymous - 07/08/2019 16:00
By uvagirl - 05/07/2013 01:32 - United States
Hangover time
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
Pleased to meet you
By Homeless without superbowl - 16/02/2023 16:00
By goldenshower - 05/02/2010 18:22 - United States
By eggnoodles - 13/12/2009 05:44 - United States
That stinks
By Anonymous - 02/11/2021 02:00
Set the scene
By NJ. - 24/01/2009 10:41 - United States
By grimatwork - 01/11/2010 17:24 - United Kingdom
Top comments
nothing better than the smell of restraining orders in the morning!
Agreed. Call the cops and get a restraining order.
i'd second that sniff
oooh, god dam FYL
Did somebody say lawsuit?
no ... no, they didn't. because normal people aren't as lawsuit-happy as idiots on this website.
it's his ex who broke into his house.. that needs a restraining order. idiot.
Do you only have one suit? That may have been your best or favorite one but I'm sure you have to have at least one more.
Why would you think that? Suits are expensive, and OP may not have a job yet, considering he was going in for an interview. I don't expect most people to have a lot of suits, just one that they wear on important occasions. I could be wrong.
Suits may be expensive, a $200 suit is not. If you buy one of those you'll be one of those people who complain about how uncomfortable suits are AND you'll still look like a bus driver. Even if you don't wear suits much, spending a bit more money will pay off, especially in situations like job interviews.
ydi for befriending a psycho
Im confused... so where did you sleep if the suit was lying on your bed? Why not just hang it in the closet or over the door and sleep in your own bed. I think it's fake, besides why would your ex-girlfriend take the suit all the way out to the curb to throw it out? Especially if she were drunk...
Some people have beds bigger than a single/full. If he has a queen or king bed, it could have been laying next to him, off the edge of the bed, which would be why she moved it to sleep. Laying it on his bed is "laying it out" to be worn the next day. I used to do that, other people do it, so it isn't inconceivable that OP did it for this very reason.
If that were the case, anyone who can sleep through someone (Especially drunk) breaking into their house, throwing something in the trash (and potentially taking it all the way out to the curb if there's not a building trash shoot or something) and then returning to sleep on the bed probably isn't going to easily wake up for an interview so you wouldn't have gotten the job anyway
a tux is not even remotely the same as a suit. do you really not know the difference? never comment on anything ever again. ever.

I smell a restraining order...
i'd second that sniff