By burnedboy - 18/01/2010 19:39 - United States

Today, I saw Avatar in iMax 3D. Towards the end of the movie I jump, yelled, and spilled my drink all over the people in front of me because I thought a burning piece of ash landed on my leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 618
You deserved it 44 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments


wow thats a real good FMl ............................... NOT!!!!! wtf dude its funny when stuff like that happens.

FAIL. 3D means that is looks slightly more realistic. But thinking that an object in the movie has just touched you requires monumental stupidity. The fact that there are idiots like you out there actually makes me scared to watch movies in theaters. YDI.

sk8erboi1158 0
Sketch18 0

People like you don't belong on this site. You ruin things for everyone else. I don't like you.

Twi_lover_EC 6

I would probably scream thinking I was falling-i hate hights-and I MAX is really relistic. so is the damn movie......

Please tell me you really are not this bad at grammar. I'm ashamed if you are, so should your parents and teachers.

seriously fml for the ppl sitting in front of you

I hear it's along movie, so to have that much drink left towards the end is impressive

at least you didn't puke on them. I work at a theater with an IMAX and way too many people have thrown up from seeing Avatar. Super gross.

Ewww, this is why I always sit at the back of Movie Theaters. :O

I know the bit you mean, there's some ash that goes past your face