By burnedboy - 18/01/2010 19:39 - United States

Today, I saw Avatar in iMax 3D. Towards the end of the movie I jump, yelled, and spilled my drink all over the people in front of me because I thought a burning piece of ash landed on my leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 618
You deserved it 44 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments


itsnotme_1995 0
TallMist 32

I doubt a film can be homosexual, considering it's an inanimate object.

I saw it in 3D IMAX, but I want to re-see it in 2 or 3D regular just because we had "side" seats at the IMAX theater and the 3D was more distracting than anything. That was crazy, though. Did they get mad at you? Man. And it's so cold outside right now...poor wet people...

Lord_Fluffy 0

I thought the ash was going to burn someone in the first row in a non-Imax 3d showing. I feel you... fortunately, no soda was involved in my reaction.

@hahaha24 A ****** is calling someone else a fool. lol.

ok, so you sat through over 2 hours of this film in 3D and didn't catch on after that? Duh.......

capitalismlol 0

Just like to point this out, you aren't talking about an apple product. Just say imax or IMAX. the way the OP did it just looked weird