By Anonymous - 08/08/2009 07:18 - Canada

Today, I saw my girlfriend going into my best friend's dorm room and suspected her to cheat on me so I placed a camera in his room to spy on them. In the end, I discovered that my girlfriend has problems in math and both my best friend and brother are gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 800
You deserved it 83 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

elara15 0

Yeah, so? You found out your girlfriend wasn't cheating and that your best friend gets along with your family. Where's the problem besides your trust issue?


Can't believe all the people saying YDI. First of all, look at the HUNDREDS of FMLs here where a person who really loved and trusted their bf/gf got dumped or cheated on. If something like this was happening (gf going into another person's room without telling what was going on), I'd be suspicious too. Second of all, why would this be HIS fault? What did HE do that was wrong? Ok, maybe the camera spying was a bit too far, but if the gf wasn't being open on what she was doing, then she pretty much asked for it. If anything, it's her fault, I say. Not gonna say anything about the gay relationship. I don't have problems with that.

So... it's the girlfriend's fault for seeking tutoring without first consulting her boyfriend on who she could and couldn't be tutored by? How old are you, 12? If I had to seek permission from my boyfriend before I was "allowed" to visit someone, then he probably wouldn't be my boyfriend. Just saying.

By not telling him why she was going into someone's room she deserves to be spied on? WTF

I think everybody is overlooking that the FML here is the fact that his best friend and brother are dateing, among guys its a rule not to date eachohters sisters, it's never mentioned but brothers should probably also be in the rule.

this cant be real.. we dont allow queers in Canada.. at least I dont.

You don't 'allow' them?Sheesh,you can't control their life.Let them be.People like you make me mad ):

Seriously?? You think there aren't gays in Canada? Take a trip to Quebec some time and you'll definitely change your mind... And Quit Being such a damn Homophobe...

Yes, but unless you are Stephen Harper and the entire Senate and House of Commons, I think the rest of the country begs to differ.

Gay marriage is legal here and has been for the past few years. But of course, you have complete control over who gets to live in our country, sorry for doubting that.

You should probably take a note from your girlfriend, and get a tutor as well, but in English.

Well, look at the bright side, you never have to worry about your girlfriend cheating with your best friend or brother.

You're lucky. You found out your girlfriend is honest. There is nothing wrong with being gay. It might be a bit awkward when you try to explain to your best friend and brother how you found out, though.

So what's the bad part? It sounds like you're a mistrustful, spying, homophobic jerk.

kwosti 0

you asshole - serves you right for being a spying ********

Damn that girl for being stupid, and your brother and bff for being true to themselves. The nerve.