By airborne - 06/05/2009 01:11 - United States

Today, I saw someone drive recklessly as if they were drunk. When I called the cops, I got pulled over by another cop for talking on my cell phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 169
You deserved it 17 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks man. I'm sure if you explain to the judge they should drop the ticket or at least the fee partially.

Leptailurus 0

As much as I hate when people talk on their cell phones while driving, I have to admit that billboard is horribly misleading in that case. I agree, FYL.


BS, because emergency phone calls are still allowed

hahaha awsome; thats what u get for being a snitch :) ENJOY paying that ticket

call history????? you could have gotten out of that one if you weren't a complete loser

the cell phone law doesnt apply if you are calling 911 or emergency services. if you didnt tell the cop you were calling 911 or didnt show him your call history, then you fail. otherwise, the cop was a dick. either way, you pretty much fail.

What the **** is w/ all these people being all "Dude, that sucks man"? Thats what you get for being a douche bag, try minding your own business next time.

thats karma's way of saying "dont tattle, its for 3 year olds." ur either gonna get that person in trouble with parents, or just in a lot of shit...AND get their license taken away...douche

waxstigmata 0

13 got your elitist ass kicked by 63, in this site it seems that its only the Europeans who call to attention that they are European and that the US is full of "arrogannce", hm, can you say hypocrisy, of course you can, you're European. anyway, maybe OP should have pulled over to call and not tried to multitask like an idiot, you can't multitask and drive! sorry #11

It is NOT illegal to use your phone to call 911 (or an emergency # such as the police). Good for you for reporting a drunk driver. Even if you end up paying a fine, you may have saved a life.

organismal 0

in addition to being able to call in case of emergency, isn't there also a law, related to the good samaritan law or whatever, that states that you can commit a crime to prevent a worse crime? i.e. commit a misdemeanor to stop a felony