By Anonymous - 21/12/2012 00:37 - Norway - T?nsberg

Today, I sent a cute, jokey text to my girlfriend saying, "Just in case the world ends, I love you." Not only did she dump me because I was an "idiot for believing in the doomsday", which I don't, she also wrote a Facebook status about it. Now everyone thinks I'm mentally unstable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 550
You deserved it 7 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she broke up with you over something trivial as a text message I would have to say you're better without her.

Well if the world does end your embarrassment won't last long.


Markg1994 0

I've said it a billion times, and this proves it even more: girls are stupid and cannot take a joke. -__-

Wow, she obviously doesn't deserve you. It was a sweet gesture on your part. She's dumb. Haha

Dodged a bullet there, dude. Sounds like she's the stupid one.

sounds like a bitch. at least you're rid of her.

Sounds like she was looking for a way out :( sorry

butterflyz1961 2

Now you can find someone with a sense of humor.

If she dumped you over that then your better off without her.

volklskis 7

Her loss for not appreciating you and not having a sense of humor.

"Just in case" key words... But that's so sweet you deserve bonus points which you clearly didnt get sorry about that