By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 18:32 - United States

Today, I sent a picture to my girlfriend of my erect penis with a quote saying "It's waiting for you." She responded with a picture of her left hand showing her left ring finger with a quote saying "It's waiting for you too." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 083
You deserved it 89 618

Same thing different taste


Getting married just for sex seems retarded. If she doesn't feel enough desire for you to have sex with you - find another girl. No point going from a joyless bf/gf relationship to a joyless marriage.

Cyrus00 41

I'm guessing they have sex, she was just having a laugh. A very good laugh.

I found that quite funny, she seems to have a good sense of humour/wit etc. I suppose it does depend on how long you guys have been dating. But I still thinks it's a good response.

I know I'm probably going to regret this, but get you started on what?

I never got an answer to my question! :o Either that, or it got modded before I was able to see it, like so many. :P Chaos - I kind of agree, but what if they've been dating for upwards of three years, would it still be a bad thing if she was serious? I know this is speculation, but surely it'd make a difference?

I'm curious... How would you describe OP's actions then, oc? Both could be considered nagging if the sender was serious.

you girlfriend is a crack up!!!!! funny lady!


sounds like she's a good catch! put a ring on it, not really an fml, and ydi!

labudamike 6

like some dumb bitch once said "if u like it put a ring on it"

Slinkydalatg 6

Ouch. Damn dude how long have y'all been together.

Hands down, your girlfriend WINS! I needed that laugh!

i love how if the OP had been a chick and the significant other had been a man shooting her down in favor of some other compensation they'd be screaming for him to be drawn and quartered.

Schizomaniac 24

I love it too. I love it very much. I love it so much that I would take it on a romantic date and serenade it with beautiful piano music, and then hold it in my arms like there was no tomorrow. I wouldn't stop there, oh no I wouldn't. I love it so ******* much that I would make sweet love to it in the dark, and make it scream my name. I ******* LOVE it. I want to ******* be with it forever.