By random person - 13/11/2011 06:16 - United States

Today, I sent the texts "I love and miss you babe;)." and "Shit wrong person." to my ex just so he would think I have a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 517
You deserved it 62 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FreshSalad 1

I'm sorry but that's pretty pathetic.


Bekavera 4

get a ******* life...I mean, really?

I'd laugh if he reads you fml and knows its you ...

kriptik_fml 0

not goin to lie ive done it. n it has been done to me too. lol

Now he's gonna know you still have his number, lol!

hateevryone 14

that's really pitiful. get a hobby.

Maybe that's why he dumped you.? I don't think you're completely sane...