By random person - 13/11/2011 06:16 - United States

Today, I sent the texts "I love and miss you babe;)." and "Shit wrong person." to my ex just so he would think I have a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 517
You deserved it 62 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FreshSalad 1

I'm sorry but that's pretty pathetic.


lesuze 5
justanotherbird 19

Wow, that is lame. My advice? Actually get a life and forget about the ex. Then you wouldn't have to pretend you have a life and wouldn't give a shit whether your ex knew about it or not.

this is a totally unrelated comment, but I love your picture!

BikeAllDay818 6

Your ex would know it was intentional. This one girl did the same thing to me and it was pretty obvious that she meant to text me.

Why would you still have your ex's number?

Why the **** do people post FMLs like this expecting sympathy?