By jester777 - 22/01/2011 17:39 - United States

Today, I sneaked into my girlfriend's house for some romantic time. Before going into her room, I took a dump in the bathroom. Once I was done, I not only noticed that there was no toilet paper left, but I heard her and her 6'5, heavyweight boxer, ex-marine father, talking outside the bathroom door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 551
You deserved it 49 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There is no possible way that you didn't deserve this...


mintcar 9

YDI for sneaking in! Not only are you in trouble, but you probably got her in trouble as well. Next time, make sure you're invited first.

But he just wanted to give her some surprise butt sex!!

Oh, I didn't realize that the FML said she didn't invite him in. If a friend invited me over, but their parents didn't want me there, I would still consider it sneaking in.

agirlnamedlogan 5

YDI dumbass. I hope you get hurt.

djewel6 0

idiot always wait till the parents go to sleep like I used to do

You're an idiot OP. I hope you got your ass kicked.

hohomeadows 1

do you not have a bathroom in your house to crap in?

I kno right!! WTF is it w all of these posts about taking dumps all over the place?! you'd think the OPs are homeless or remodeling their bathrooms at home..? (wishful thinking)

wooooow; so obviously you survived or are you still in there xD

UpsidedownKayak 9

He is still in there panicking and trying to figure out how to flush himself down the toilet.

hope he beats ur ass and sues you for breaking and entering

Anaxes 5