By andrea99 - 03/10/2010 09:35 - United States

Today, I spent an hour and a half washing my car. As I was driving down the highway, a large bird flew over my car and accidentally dropped the dead animal he was about to have for dinner. It landed on my windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 668
You deserved it 3 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazedcabbages 0

im pretty sure ur life is not messed up

aaa125 0

just clean it up and get over it


A Bird-of-prey's claws won't release their catch without good reason. They lock around the prey, and need energy to be unlocked, otherwise it would get tiring to hold onto food for a long flight.

A dead rodent leaves that much of a mess? (assuming something small because a bird was carrying it.) The wipers wouldn't be sufficient? The effort of squeegeeing the windshield again is just too much to bear? It's unsanitary? Just the timing of it? What exactly is so bad?

f the birds life, now he has no dinner....

knightknight 0

better the windshield than the sun roof

oh wow, **** your life, your car got dirty. I feel your pain, omfg so sad. I'm more sad now than I was when my dog died. seriously, stop bitching. just wipe it off. and hey, you have dinner now!

it's just a ******* windshield, clean it and get over it

That's no accident, man, they target clean cars!