By Martine624 - 07/05/2015 21:56 - Netherlands

Today, I spent nearly two hours listening to our cleaning lady talking about her son's infected penis, her fear of dentists, how to catch and kill ducks, her husband's childhood and her supposedly murdered dog. She ended up crying and left without cleaning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 123
You deserved it 3 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It was really nice for you to listen. Sometimes people just need to get words off their chest.

lhazz11 23

At least you were nice enough to listen!


And I thought it was bad enough our cleaning lady was purposely slow at cleaning so she could get paid more by the hour...Fair play to you for listening though, you're probably the only person she finds it easy to talk to by the sounds of it...

Honestly if I had a cleaning lady and she went on for two hours id let it happen. For one she works probably all day and at multiple houses or probably a different job. And she probably cleans the houses for not much money at all so she's more than likely stressed out beyond belief and she needed someone to talk to cuz she just cracked under the pressure and stress. She's probably going to come to work the next day and thank you for listening and also apologize for not working.

Next time, tell her, "Less lip, more grip" meaning "shut the **** up and do the job I am paying you to do"

I'd like to hear a follow up from OP on this.

She cleaned her emotions about her problems but did not clean your house

Well she should of made an FML of this, too

Maybe this lady should spend some time cleaning the places her son sticks his Dick.

How did she come up with the subjects or the idea to talk about her personal life?! ?

My cleaning lady is a 70 year old over weight French buddhist, and I can relate.

dannnngthatsux 19

Wow! No one sees this? It's Hope Chance's grandmother, Virginia!!! Where are you, I want to party with the Chances!!!!! Wait is maw maw lucid or is she fun?