By peonypiney - 03/11/2011 19:32 - United States

Today, I spent over 20 minutes trying to convince my daughter that the word she was trying to use was "Back-pack" and not "Back-back". I never convinced her. She is 16 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 355
You deserved it 6 364

peonypiney tells us more.

peonypiney 6

This is my FML. YES, she is extremely blonde and believe it or not, a straight A student. I have never noticed she said it that way before until she had it written down. I've never caught it because we usually say "Book Bag". Her older brother finally convinced her through mockery and laughter.


lovenotwar25 0

Haha, it's okay, my dad calls it pack-pack. But then again English is his second language.

ikickgingers 15

OP's kid is a Fucktard. I doubt this was a moment of pride. I think FML is pretty appropriate since "I raised a kid who can count to potato" is a bit long. Just sounds better...

Tanny91 0
JinxosGirl87 0

Is it because they make you look smart when no one else can?

bubo_fml 10

"Baby's got Pack an' I cannot lie...!"

It was the point of the song. Pun still readable, that's all that matters.

kitkat4949 7

I use do say that when I was a kid. Lol.

benhemon 4

Nice persuasion skills there.

Does she need her hearing checked? Or maybe there is something a little bit more serious - why not try convincing her by googling the phrase?

Haha dumb bitch... Woah crossing the line their maybe lol

Haha dumb bitch... Woah crossing the line their maybe lol