By snidpea - 31/01/2010 17:07 - France

Today, I sprained my ankle while playing soccer. I still have to walk home. In the rain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 057
You deserved it 3 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You still have to walk home... present tense? Better get to it! You'll catch pneumonia!

I feel your pain. I sprained mine a year ago, and I had to get a cast and everything. It was really awful. I can't play soccer anymore because of it ._.


why does the guy with abs comment on EVERY fml I've read so far? Someone has nooo life what so evaaaaa. haha

BS. I'm sure someone on your team would help.

Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, outside of soccer.

NomnomRaptor 0

Lol, I just watched Dogma yesterday xD

Who cares if you have to walk home in the rain you obviously were playing soccer in the rain as for the ankle suck it up unless its a High Ankle Sprain idgaf. YDI for wasting my time.

Don't u have a CELL PHONE? call home! or (in the scenario tht u are a cell-virgin) borrow some1s cell! it'll save u some pain

omg that sucks... when I sprained my ankle I couldn't move, let alone WALK. FYL

J_nazzty 0

YDI for playing soccer and not also deserve it for not living in a household where your parents are able to give you rides to also deserve it for not being well liked enough to have friends to offer you rides when these kinds of things happen...fix your life up

devilishD 0
notwierdgifted 0

if u put u deserve it then ur a dick