By snidpea - 31/01/2010 17:07 - France

Today, I sprained my ankle while playing soccer. I still have to walk home. In the rain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 057
You deserved it 3 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You still have to walk home... present tense? Better get to it! You'll catch pneumonia!

I feel your pain. I sprained mine a year ago, and I had to get a cast and everything. It was really awful. I can't play soccer anymore because of it ._.


yea I bet if you complain about it some more it will just go away

So if I complain about you will you go away?

kirbykzoo 0

buy a bike. and chain lubricant

wow everybody on your team is super inconsiderate that NOBODY would give you a ride home a) with an injury and b) in the rain! assholes!

How did this get through? Give a shit, moi?!!!

Shit happens. oh well it coulda been worse. You coulda got mugged along the way.

ikr? jeez. I doubt they'd let you walk home by yourself with a broken ankle.

darnesey 0

wah! go cry to your mommy. I play soccer and when I sprain my ankle I just walk it off. chances are, if you sprained your ankle once it's much easier to sprain it again.