By snidpea - 31/01/2010 17:07 - France

Today, I sprained my ankle while playing soccer. I still have to walk home. In the rain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 057
You deserved it 3 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You still have to walk home... present tense? Better get to it! You'll catch pneumonia!

I feel your pain. I sprained mine a year ago, and I had to get a cast and everything. It was really awful. I can't play soccer anymore because of it ._.


deashiagha 0

Well I feel you and feel really bad so sawwy for u you should really be careful though this is y ur mommies say don't talk to strangers and wear your knee pads and stuff like that soo ha he ha he ha :P thats wat u get !! lol

deashiagha 0

-insider- kids are crazyy especially you when your not wearing kneepads or safety too !! :P :P

Thats not that bad. I've played football on a knee that was on the verge of shattering and a dislocated bone in my ankle. And i've chipped my tibia and had a cut down to the bone on a canoe trip and forgotten about it for three months. So yeah a sprained ankle is annoying but its not that bad.

sayntdavid 0

call a cab jackass. or get a ride from the other dozen players on your team.

367bri879 0

omg a sprained ankle sucks especially if ur a soccer player... and walking on it makes it worse obvisouly I would have crawled:) I hope ur not the star player on the team..good luck!!