By Anonymous - 12/10/2010 23:51 - United States

Today, I started college after a night out. I'd got tipsy at the club and started dancing with a cute guy. He asked for my number. I didn't want to give it to him, so I gave him a rejection number. Guess who's the new professor for my bio class? And yes, he recognized me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 678
You deserved it 37 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idea for using a rejection number and not having the guts to just say how you feel to his face :/

Rejection hotlines should be reserved for creepers and douchebags, at least give decent guys that you just aren't interested in a wrong number and not a you-suck-at-life number.


Seriously what a bitch move... Grow some ovaries and tell him how you feel. If you would have given him ur number god knows what would have happened now ur just going to fail your class


Is it just me or are FMLs turning into guessing games? I'm going to have to guess your new bio professor is, Tiger Woods.

magnavox was there a purpus to that question? Its not even witty or funny...


dirtyhose, is there a PURPOSE to your life?

ooh magna I see what you did there. you're so clever =]


Yes, I am Mexican so what? No, I am not dumb.

I literally lol-ed. I hope you bsed some story about being too drunk to remember your number. :x

lmaooo yes actually, there is a purpous for everyones life otherwise we wouldnt be born you dumbass


maybe your new purpose should be finding the reply button(;


*purpose ( again) Insult yourself before you insult me.

LOL I think he may be doing it intentionally now xD. there's no way someone can be so stupid as to mispell the same word 3 times. even after his own spellcheck xD


Lol actually she wasn't doing it on purpose.

Userismyname 0

you are gonna have fun this semester!

You have 2 options: 1. Study harder 2. **** him (literally)

im on my phone and i dont give a shit about a reply button that i dont even see available for me, im not going to download the app to see a reply button to make all of you happy.


if your on the website and you don't see a reply.... I can't even think of a word other than FAIL


I know your PURPOSE in life, go back to grammar school, then download the app:)

lol I wonder wats she is gonna get on her first assignment