By hastobeajoke - 31/01/2012 18:45 - United States

Today, I submitted my 208th job application in less than a year, and went to my 83rd and 84th interviews, only to be told once again that I'm over-qualified for the first, and under-qualified for the second. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 939
You deserved it 2 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Llamassss 21

Well, that's what happens when you apply to McDonalds and Harvard.


Jobs really are that hard to come by in the lower 48? Good luck with your search, at least you are trying which is more than be said for everyone. :) honestly I know that businesses around here have a hard time holding onto their employees.

dobbyisfreeeeeee 10

That is truly unfortunate. I'm sorry to hear that. Well, you could always become a ninja and kick the interviewers' asses

life is tough when you are a nuclear physicist , isn't it?

Sucks. I've turned in 500 applications since October and I've had one interview. And I have 4 college degrees. This economy is awful.

I'm the same boat. I finally got a job but it's a temp. I will be jobless again after tax season

unknowncanuk 2

I feel you. I've been looking for almost 2 years in my field and have only found a casual position which I hoped would help with getting a foot in the door with the same organization for a full time position (which didn't happen). I wish i could tell you that it gets better but i do understand your struggle and am right there with you. I hope you find something soon.

You don't have to put everything on your resumé.

How can you be overqualified for a job?

Ninjataco1234 4

How is it possible to be over qualified for a job?

I hope it works out for you eventually.