By princess - 17/03/2009 05:06 - Canada

Today, I texted my boyfriend of 6 months saying that I was in the mood, and that I was in bed, and naked. He texted back saying "U got fingers, use them, im going to bed xoxo". FML
I agree, your life sucks 151 947
You deserved it 40 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So he couldn't be arsed to have phone sex? So what? Usually it takes a long time and the guy could have brought himself to ****** at least twice by the time the dirty talk turns the women on enough to climax. I see no FML here. More like FMF (**** my fingers). Buy a vibrator. On a side note it's really his loss. Phone sex can be very hot. :)


DinoJR 0

lmfao you got owned, maybe yo just suck at sex

vonstrangle 0

i'd definitely rather sleep than get someone else off haha

Your boyfriend is right, princess. Not everyone can always please your wishes. + he's being sexual.

hp4ever_fml 0

Buy a vibrator and stop expecting your man to be in the mood every time you are when you know the reverse sure as hell isn't true.

The fact that you EXPECTED him to come and attend your every need whenever you want disgusts me. Especially considering you would not do the same thing if he said that to you. A lot of women complain about guys but you are a perfect example of how a woman shouldn't be. Go bitch at someone else.

You probably shouldn't have expected him to come over but at least expected phone sex for a few minutes...the next time 3 or 4 times that you guys are doing anything stop a minute or two before he has to come (when he says its going to be close) then tell him he has hands and point him to the bathroom.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

he'd probably nut in her face then. and she would've earned that.

smorkmo 6

haha no shit! bet she wouldn't jump out of bed and drive over late as hell for him. she needs to get over it and maybe put out at a reasonable hour and more often for that mater

You can also remind him of the versatility of his hands and that he can test them out while he finds a new girlfriend. What an ass!