By Anonymous - 06/09/2012 01:34 - Canada

Today, I told a girl that she had very pretty eyes. I then had to rinse pepper spray from my own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 928
You deserved it 2 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a bitch. At least you were being kind :) sorry to hear about your eyes

A100893 30

I guess you didn't see eye to eye.


Are you sure you didn't scare her with your looks??

perdix 29

A pedo doesn't expect a 7-year-old to be armed with pepper spray. Usually, one takes one's hand off one's crotch when delivering such a compliment.

That's so stupid. All guys tend to say to me is either that I'm good looking (not that I'm complaining about that but the only ones who say that are old...) or that I have a pretty mouth... *shudder*. I'd love to have my eyes complimented by a stranger, it would make my day. Not to mention it would be a little less creepy.

In life, you can say almost anything and get away with it. The key is not what is said, but how it is said. . Where you looking at her eyes from a reasonable distance while saying it? :-/

Well, I hope she is ready to donate her eyes for the cornea transplant you'll be needing now... What a bitch.

beach_babe89 11

What a bitch! If that's how she treats everyone who gives her a complement then she will get what she deserves one day

What a ****. I hope you gave her a blackeye.

You can thank all the bastards who think a compliment is an instant pass to sex. I once had a guy said I had beautiful eyes then he asked me for my phone number. When I said I rather not give it out, he called me a stuck up bitch who should die and do the world a favor. This stuff escalates quickly on both sides.