By me - 04/04/2013 20:07 - United States - Parrish

Today, I told my bald, goatee-sporting chemistry teacher that he looks like Walt from Breaking Bad. I quickly got sent to the principal's office and received a 3-day suspension for "slandering" my teacher by implying that he makes meth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 459
You deserved it 6 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

friedpwnadge 25

The school system is bad and it should feel bad!

MarisaCB 16

This is why school boards annoy me. Stuff like this.


Seems like someone has something to hide...Have you noticed any lab equipment missing? Or perhaps a recent firing of your school janitor?

StarThrower 17

That's exactly what I thought! In that case, it was a bad idea to make such big deal about it, with the Barbara Streisand effect and all :)

Apparently, he's not as awesome as Walt. That's unfortunate that you were suspended, OP.

But "Breaking Bad" is ******* fantastic!

And these are the people teaching todays youth.... somebody ask the psychic how ****** we are in 50 years...

I agree. However, I feel like this is the hair the broke the camel's back. Maybe OP's teacher has heard that so many times, he snapped and took it out on OP. I'm pretty sure the it will be sorted out and OP will get off the hook. The teacher way over reacted.

perdix 29

You should have said he looked like Lenin. You'd have gotten the rest of the year off for calling him a commie bastard.

bach2121 13

Administration these days...

Ultimate_No 7

The first question my class asked my chemistry teacher was if she cooked meth like on Breaking Bad.

Walter White is one badass. That guy should have taken that as a compliment.