By me - 04/04/2013 20:07 - United States - Parrish

Today, I told my bald, goatee-sporting chemistry teacher that he looks like Walt from Breaking Bad. I quickly got sent to the principal's office and received a 3-day suspension for "slandering" my teacher by implying that he makes meth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 450
You deserved it 6 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

friedpwnadge 25

The school system is bad and it should feel bad!

MarisaCB 16

This is why school boards annoy me. Stuff like this.


I hate my chemistry teacher. I feel like they try to make our lives miserable

Beardface? If you wanna lose the nickname, you gotta lose the beard

You should never reference a teacher to someone, and or joke around with them. They are evil beings created to destroy our lives.

vanessa09865 23

Hmmm....suspicious that your teacher would discipline you when he thought you were implying he made meth....guilty? I think so

I'm constantly amazed about how conscientious the schooling systems are about their public image. It's surprisingly more important than making a safe, fun environment for the pupils.

Our school system is lacking a sense of humor. You weren't slandering him, you didn't actually say you thought he was making meth. You should contest it, OP.

"It's not meth, it's this new project... For science"

Trisha_aus 15

hey! Heisenberg is a badass too

Trisha_aus 15

I agree, Mr. White's a great chemistry teacher. "Apply yourself"