By me - 04/04/2013 20:07 - United States - Parrish

Today, I told my bald, goatee-sporting chemistry teacher that he looks like Walt from Breaking Bad. I quickly got sent to the principal's office and received a 3-day suspension for "slandering" my teacher by implying that he makes meth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 450
You deserved it 6 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

friedpwnadge 25

The school system is bad and it should feel bad!

MarisaCB 16

This is why school boards annoy me. Stuff like this.


You never said he made meth you implied he looked a fictional character from a tv show......... which im watching at this very moment! I would fight it and tell them to fix it or my lawyer will. School these days. Smh

Come to my school. You can get out of Suspensions by asking "what would Jesus do?". Then, they give you a second chance because that it what he would do. It is awesome!

At least you didn't walk in on him while he was using his vibrator.

Was it Mr. smith? Are you in my class...?

Hopefully you can raise the issue. You never implied.

He sounds a bit too defensive... He knows the secret recipe.

RedGai 7

Quick Mr. White! The students are on to you!

Well if the school understood the reference, someone there would of had to watch the show as well. So they can't really be punishing you for that, i bet once the principle heard that he looked at your teacher and was like "dang, he really does look like Walt."