By me - 04/04/2013 20:07 - United States - Parrish

Today, I told my bald, goatee-sporting chemistry teacher that he looks like Walt from Breaking Bad. I quickly got sent to the principal's office and received a 3-day suspension for "slandering" my teacher by implying that he makes meth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 450
You deserved it 6 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

friedpwnadge 25

The school system is bad and it should feel bad!

MarisaCB 16

This is why school boards annoy me. Stuff like this.


That's the best compliment ever. Mr. White is freaking badass!

barnratt 3

Maybe he really is making meth and that's why he got all defensive

You'd get suspended, because you'd be saying he murders people in cold blood. In OP's case, he got suspended because his perspective about his teacher is different than the teacher's prideful perspective of himself.

Bitch please, tell them they're bullshitting, apologise for any offence caused (stressing that it was unintentional), and get them to take it off your record. Once you explain the situation, you might need parents' help, and (I don't know if it works like this in the US) threaten to report them to some higher education authority. Then leave the school, you shouldn't have to put up with this shit.

Really? Is that all it takes to get suspended now days? What is wrong with people? I dare Op to put that up on totallylookslike.

Enjoy that 3-day staycation! Sounds like it's the school board's fault and not yours!

Last semester, I told my Science teacher that he reminded me of Walt and he laughed and told me I was very perseptive.. Your school is hardcore.