By neuroticallyours - 12/11/2009 07:11 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend how happy I was with him. He responded by pulling down his pants and slapping his ass. I have no idea what that was supposed to mean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 122
You deserved it 5 948

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KittyMcSunshine 0

it probably means "kiss my ass"


You should have put his peni5 in your mouth like a good GF should.

BratFaceCupcake 0

OMG I swear I know this guy hahaha

jaustin03 0

It means "get a new boyfriend".

misstay 0

wtf??! lol haha ur bf is krazy!!

Him pulling down his pants and slapping his ass, after you saying how much he meant to you means " I know, like just look at this fine body. It's all yours." Its a cocky way of saying i know, because sometimes guys have trouble just taking shit seriously.

apparently your boyfriend is an enlightened Zen master. Instead of moaning, you should try and achieve enlightenment yourself.

" we see, the dominate male expresses his satisfaction with the famales offerings. He will soon feast, then return to his den, and slumber." ... It's suppose to be a brittish documenterist, haha...

sexxayy 0

oh woow maybe it meens kiss my ass babe