By fmysexlife - 27/07/2009 05:06 - United States

By fmysexlife - 27/07/2009 05:06 - United States
By wellokthen - 26/11/2019 18:00 - United States - Birmingham
By sandwichsex - 08/08/2009 22:39 - United States
By fuckadaisical - 06/12/2013 20:23 - United Kingdom - Pontypridd
By giantcuntflaps - 13/12/2014 16:03 - Australia
By thismakesmesad - 07/09/2011 16:16 - United States
By Username - 24/02/2010 15:06
By Krissy - 06/04/2012 02:11 - United States
By thoughtitwasspecial - 18/05/2011 05:15 - United States
By datingmrpicky - 22/08/2011 03:44 - United States
By Username - 31/01/2011 15:47
All feminist can go and die for all i care. Woman are treated better than any minority group so just **** off with all your life isn't fair nonsense.
I have never laughed at an FML as hard as I did at this one. Thank you for making my day!
What about women who are also a minority? And actually, most sexism in today's society is subtle. So a lot of people (like the ones on here) act as if it is no big deal, or just don't see it as sexism at all. That is a far more dangerous kind of prejudice because it means that more people will allow it, simply because they choose not to see it.
That was amazing. And to all you feminazis replying, get over your selves. Her boyfriend was being hilarious. My friends and I don't discriminate when we tell people to make us sandwiches, so then why is it bad to tell a girl that but not a guy? Also, I'll support equal opportunities for women and men when women are subject to the draft. Men and women are not equal. I'm not saying men are better than women, but we are fundamentally different. Men, for the most part are physically stronger, it's just the way we are physically. ****, I went on a tangent, but my point is LIGHTEN UP, take a joke.
Sounds Like Your Dating Joey Tribbiani O.o.O
This is hilarious. Sucks for you I guess tho. lol
My ******* god people, women weren't put on this earth to serve men, or anyone else. Their legs aren't broke, get their ******* lazy ass up off the couch and do something besides fart, burp, bark orders, and drink beer. God, everyone can be sexist against women but if people say a boy can't play with dolls, wear dresses or pink, they get blasted. THERE'S NO ******* DIFFERENCE, ITS STILL SEXIST.
lol thats actually pretty funny
That was amazing. And to all you feminazis replying, get over your selves. Her boyfriend was being hilarious. My friends and I don't discriminate when we tell people to make us sandwiches, so then why is it bad to tell a girl that but not a guy? Also, I'll support equal opportunities for women and men when women are subject to the draft. Men and women are not equal. I'm not saying men are better than women, but we are fundamentally different. Men, for the most part are physically stronger, it's just the way we are physically. ****, I went on a tangent, but my point is LIGHTEN UP, take a joke.
I hope you made him a sandwich.
Next time he tells you he's horny, send him a link to "2 girls 1 cup", then tell him to make his own ******* sandwich.