By fmysexlife - 27/07/2009 05:06 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend I was really horny. He then gave me the link to his favorite "porn". He said I should do it for him. It was a youtube video of some girl making a sandwich. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 639
You deserved it 15 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I hope you made him a sandwich.

Next time he tells you he's horny, send him a link to "2 girls 1 cup", then tell him to make his own ******* sandwich.


lmao sounds like something my ex would have done... absolutely hilarious :P

echarperouge 0

Way to miss an obvious attempt at a joke, moron.

hahaha thats so funny, your bf is awesome lol. i hope he slept with you to make it up rofl!!

hilarious! your boyfriend is awesome !

Instead of all the comments saying "You have to see why this is offensive" and all that, could somebody please actually explain what is so offensive about this. The OP at no point actually says "bitch, make me a sandwich" nor is it implied at all that the video said it. If he's sending videos, they probably aren't in the same room, so it seems unlikely that he was serious about it or that he could have done anything about her horniness anyways. So women have a history of taking care of the domestic side of the household, and this draws reference to that. It is not making light of domestic abuse or violence (I'd accept that calling a woman "bitch" is abusive, but again, it doesn't look like the boyfriend actually said anything like that). It's not saying that women don't deserve equal rights or equal opportunities. I think we can all agree that there is nothing overtly derogatory about what he did, so please explain to me the nuances that make this so offensive. My mom didn't work when I was little, she stayed at home and raised me and took care of the house. It was her choice to stay home. Are you saying that this was sexist and my mom wasn't a feminist because she wasn't a "professional woman" but instead decided she'd rather stay home and, on many occasions, make me sandwiches? She certainly was qualified for a job, when I went to high school, she got a job that paid far more than my dad was making. Now do you think she is more of a feminist than she was a sentence ago? I'm not looking for a flamewar or trying to upset people, I really just want to understand how this is so terrible and why people are calling for the OP to dump the boyfriend for what strikes me as a light-hearted joke.

letitbe56 0

The joke is offensive because while the boyfriend never explicitly said "Bitch, make me a sandwich," that phrase is enough of a cultural meme that his joke is unavoidably linked to it. If you don't believe me, go scroll through the comments, and you'll see that that's what the FML called to mind for the vast majority here. I don't think there's anything wrong with your mom deciding to stay home and focus on parenting. Feminism is about having choices, not forcing all women into high-powered careers. However, you'll notice that in our culture, more women have to make that choice than men do. There are some men who choose to stay home and focus on parenting, but they are few and far between and they get a lot of shit for it. Scientists at Harvard have been working on a project that tests prejudices called "implicit assumptions." That basically means that while you may openly (ie, explicitly) say that women are equally suited for careers as men, you may still unconsciously (ie, implicitly) associate domesticity and femininity. You can take all kinds of tests about your own implicit assumptions here: I think the overwhelming implicit assumption in our society is that taking care of the home and children is women's work, and a woman's first responsibility. I think feminism is in part about eradicating those implicit assumptions. But it is certainly not about forcing women into careers if that's not what they want.

superbluff5 0
PaytonGrey 0

Your computer better be in the ******* kitchen!!!

Thank you for that response, and while I can see that the "Bitch, make me a sandwich" phrase has definitely pervaded the discussion, and even why some would find this offensive, I think that the people telling the OP to dump the guy for this unconscious, cultural training are over reacting. Also, a thank you and a damn you for that link. I'm going to be taking those all day now. Taken two so far, and while I apparently have little to no gender association with careers, I apparently don't like fat people. I'm intrigued by so many of these tests.