By veggiepower11028 - 31/05/2011 12:02

Today, I told my boyfriend that I love him. He responded with, "That's nice. You know what I love? Chicken wings. Let's go get some." Apparently, he doesn't remember I'm a vegetarian either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 863
You deserved it 8 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HyundaiOwner7 0


TheDrifter 23

He's trying to do you a favor and deprogram your fad dieting. The human body requires meat for proper nutrition, denying yourself essential proteins and minerals is not healthy, no matter how cuddly you believe cows are.

iAmScrubs 19

-excerpt from

Egnar 19

He never said you had to go eat the wings. He wanted you to go get them with him. If you're a person whose disgusted by other people eating meat than your relationship won't work out at all, especially with somebody who loves their animal proteins.

But If he wasn't intending for her to eat them I imagine he would've said 'I want some' not 'let's go get some' seeing as 'Let's' is a contraction of 'Let us' He basically said 'let us go get food you don't eat'

Alex94xela 0

can vegetarians suck on meat? cuz if not that sucks for op's bf

Venith 0

couldnt he just say it was a carrot??

iAmScrubs 19

Stop with the stupid comments such as "YDI for being vegetarian". Maybe OP just decided that she wants to choose a healthier lifestyle free of the many growth hormones and additives into meat. People are so quick to judge.

Egnar 19

Vegetarian does not equal healthier, sorry it doesn't - Now if somebody wants to be a vegetarian that's their choice and I'm completely fine with it. My brother and his wife are both vegetarians, my sister is [almost] to that point and I've dated several with no issues of that sort ever coming up. Some omnivores don't really care how you eat. However, it's not healthier! . . .Sure, I guess it can be healthier if you assume that all meat-eaters are running around gorging themselves with bacon all day long but that's not everybody. Keeping in mind that meat is the only NATURAL source of many essential nutrients, supplements being ok for grabbing said nutrients but not as great for you due to them typically pumping you full with insane amounts of certain things like vitamin B and C. Many meat-eaters eat perfectly healthy diets AND many vegetarians eat perfectly unhealthy diets. There is no parallel about health, rather, it's simply a personal choice based upon several factors.

Because all the pesticides they put on fruits and vegetables is so much healthier. Meat is a natural part of the human diet.

iAmScrubs 19

I appreciate the comment Egnar. You are correct on the fact that there are many healthy omnivores. Studies have shown though that red meat increases the risk of oesophageal, lung, pancreatic, endometrial cancer, breast, stomach, and bladder cancer. Harvard even did a study proving that people who eat chicken 5 times a week have an increased chance of bladder cancer by 52 percent. There are also other risks such as diabetes, damage to the cardiovascular system and arthritis. I am not a complete vegetarian as I eat white meat a few times a week, but I have obatained from eating red meat for quite some time. you are right though in the sense that meat has many nutrients that vegetarians lack. I guess there is an upside and a downside to being a vegetarian. I just didn't like the fact that people were making biased comments towards OP on her decision. FML has deleted those comments though now, I think.

Egnar 19

Eating red meat in small doses is completely fine - But in the end many people don't eat red meat and are still meat-eaters. It's the same principle of alcohol. Many studies show that 1 drink a day [not only wine] is very healthy for your system, but, more than that is detrimental for your system. I will eat red meat until the day I die, because I enjoy it - But, I know plenty of people who can't appreciate a steak but can still appreciate a great chicken wing. Keeping in mind that many of these studies have very small sample sizes AND are perpetuated by the agenda by whichever corporation has hired scientists to do said study.

Yeah, but that's the problem: Nobody eats chicken five times a week, every week. There's something wrong with that. If they really are getting sick at an increased rate, it's probably because their diet isn't balanced. If you eat anything five times a week, there are going to be unhealthy consequences.

iAmScrubs 19

small doses probably would be okay and there are cancer risks with a lot of other things we do in life. OP may not even be a vegetarian because of health reasons though. E.G. she does not like the inhumane ways some animals are kills or the taste and Texture. People shouldn't persecute her because of her decision.

But the problem is that she's trying to force her decision on her boyfriend as well.

iAmScrubs 19

scusemeprincess- I'm not sure if she was necessarily trying to do that. She was just concerned that her boyfriend didn't care about her and forgot she was a vegetarian. I don't think she'd want to stop her boyfriend from eating meat. Her boyfriend has every right to do what he wants. I have had chicken wings before and they taste great. especially the honey BBQ flavored ones.

Egnar 19

The boyfriend wanted chicken wings and wanted her to go along, she could have purchased other items [unless it's solely a wing place, which is very very rare] in which case she simply says no - it's not a matter of forgetting but wanting her company - My original point was that if she is an "anti-meat" due to animal slaughter type of person her and her boyfriend aren't going to last as that's a major decision and a huge hurdle to overcome.

idk bro I'd rather eat a nice fat juicy steak over some fresh leafy green lettuce =)

it doesn't sound like op is bothered that he eats meat. the problem is he responded to her saying she loved him with wanting them both to go get chicken wings when he should remember her choice, and not pressure her into eating chicken. apparently he doesn't love her in return, otherwise he would have just said he loved her as well and there would be no fml.

Egnar 19

In my experience when people choose to change the subject or make a joke in the situation of love is almost always in a situation where the word "Love" is used far too early in a relationship. He likely tried to diffuse the situation without having to have an embarrassing talk about why his feelings for her hadn't developed to that point, yet.

I wrote a very long paragraph using a large chunk of chemistry I learned this year.... then the app crashed.... it didn't send :,( it had a few awesome points but I don't want to retype so I'll sum it up plant make protein animal eat plant taking same proteins omnivore like us eat both so we both get same proteins we need to function some proteins can't be remade from others on digestion so we need them, vegetarians might not get a few so supplements might be needed meat contains lots of proteins, this is digested and makes stuff in the body too much meat has lots more protein than veggies so too much protein is like an overdose and the body overproduced stuff (cancer!!!!!) so kinda equally healthy but a mix is best for the body :3

i think its HILARIOUS that people are arguing with this person's comment, saying that eating meat isnt unhealthy, when the original post was about deep fried fatty chicken wings.

Egnar 19

Are deep-friend chicken wings unhealthy? Ya, for the most part. . But the comment was about meat in general.

nurtle 0

F*** him you don't need him in your life.

maz_irken 6

Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language today, is the word ****. Of all the English words beginning with f, **** is the single one referred to as the "f-word". It's the one magical word. Just by it's sound it can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love. ****, as most of the other words in English, has arrived from Germany. **** from German's "fliechen" which mean to strike. In English, **** folds into many grammatical categories. As a transital verb for instance, "John ****** Shirley". As an intransitive verb; "Shirley *****". It's meaning is not always sexual, it can be used as an adjective such as; John's doing all the ******* work. As part of an adverb; "Shirley talks too ******* much", as an adverb enhancing an adjective; Shirley is ******* beautiful. As a noun; "I don't give a ****". As part of a word: "abso-*******-lutely" or "in-*******-credible". Or as almost every word in a sentence: "**** the ******* *******!". As you must realize, there aren't many words with the versitility such as the word ****,as in these examples used as the following words;

muchagente 5

#190: What you're saying sounds interesting, but i recommend not to use the word "fliechen" when talking to germans because it is not a known word in that language. The german word for "****" as in the sexual activity would be "ficken", but i couldn't tell which one was there first. Still, i also wouldn't recommend the use of the word "ficken" when talking to strangers, because relating to the context it could turn out to be abuse or a very direct offering not often appreciated. If cursing, you'd rather use scatological terms, except if you're an immigrant youth, who use the sexual terms. If that is so because they think sex is worse than shit I don't know.

a_nutritionist 10

@230 it was copied from an extremely old online limerick...

dinoluvsrawr 2

I know how you feel... my family constantly forgets I'm a vegetarian...

Grayfoxx 5

I thought vegetarians just don't eat red meat?

no. vegetarians dont eat meat at all and then theres vegan. vegans dont eat anything that comes from an animal so like: milk, cheese, etc.

There are actually many different forms of vegetarianism. Those that just don't eat red meat, those that don't eat any mean, those that don't eat any meat other than fish, those thatdon't eat meat or animal by-products such a gelatin or lard, those that don't eat meat or ANYTHING that comes from animals such as eggs, milk, etc, (commonly reffered to as vegans).

Grayfoxx 5
Egnar 19

People who call themselves vegetarians but only refrain from not eating red-meat aren't vegetarians, no matter how much they wish it to be true. They're omnivores just like the rest of us who eat meat, they just choose to refrain from specifics. Just because I don't like bologna [I know it's not a red meat, we're talking about me here] and choose that as a particular meet I don't want to eat it does not make me a vegetarian.

monnanon 13

A person who eats no meat except from fish is called a piscitarian. I've probably spelt that wrong but anywho. As the person about me said you are not a vegetarian unless you don't eat meat at all.

nope sorry, you can't really classify your self as a "sort of" vegetarian. either you eat meat, or you don't. I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat meat. eating chicken or fish is still meat, and therefore goes against what the word, "vegetarian" means

it really bugs me when people say they're vegetarian but still eat fish. Fish have complex nervous systems, which means they feel pain. Plus, you can get your omegas from other sources. But I suppose it's better than them eating all meats...

a_nutritionist 10

@192 and 193 considering those are forms of vegetarianism they can in fact call themselves vegetarian. and it saves them the hassle of explaining exactly what lacto-ovo or whichever denomination they fall into means to the layperson.

258: That's true. I understand that they are pescetarians, but what tends to bug me is the reasoning behind it. Most vegetarians have chosen not to eat meat for ethical reasons. Given that there is scientific evidence to show that fish feel pain (and that we can obtain omegas etc from other sources), it seems hypocritical to continue to eat fish. Some people also choose a vegetarian diet to reduce their impact on the environment. There is no doubt that the environmental impact of fishing is phenomenal. Once again, I don't understand why someone who has obviously put thought and effort into altering their dietary habits would still eat fish.

a_nutritionist 10

the same way as a large number of people have no compassion for cattle because theyre "just cows" and continue to eat meat, some people have the same feelings for or dont believe that fish feel pain. the fact is, it is their choice, they dont have to justify it to anyone. until people who eat meat have to go around justifying their choices, it seems hypocritical to expect the same of a vegetarian of any denomination. as to them being hypocritical, many choose not to eat meat because of the harsh way in which the animals are treated, which they may not believe applies to fish. to claim they cant call themselves vegetarians because they dont fit into a black and white area is simply pointless.

HahaYDI 0

Hmm, I don't know how to take this. Are you the kind of girl that says "I love you" two days after you're in a relationship? If so, then I don't blame him for such a response, chicken wings are pretty ******* awesome after all.

metfanatic1986 0

just eat it. man was meant to eat meat.