By fml - 22/06/2009 09:03 - United States

Today, I told my dad I was going to Walgreens and asked if he needed anything. He needed condoms, and that I should call him when I get there so he can explain the kind he likes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 439
You deserved it 5 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jakil_Spectre 0

Ewwww, that had to be awkward. Im glad my parents aren't that open. FYL

ThinkingPunkLove 0

That's disgusting and he can get his own ass up for that, I mean really i think he can buy his own damn condoms...


SlooterMcGavin 0

So what did you have to get - Ribbed?, non-spermacide?, snug fit? Magnums?, flavored or colored?

lmfaoo; FYL defffffff. i wouldnt do it, haha.

lol wow sorry .... but like what type was it lmao like outta curiousity. and why is ur dad using condoms isn't he banging ur mom?? or other dad (watever he prefers)??

jeanniner 0

wow thats ******* messed up. you need a therapist. pronto.

that's not really messed up it would just be like buying tampons or something still to do with genitals LOL genitals i went there

i_luv_puppies 1

theres a big difference between buying tampons for someone and buying condoms!!

well, if he is screwing her mom and needs condoms he probably just doesn't want anymore kids [or he's cheating, gay, or both lol]

NEVER buy condoms from Walgreens. Theirs are, like, $5 more on average than they are at Wal-Mart. Just a little fyi. :-) Btw, did you buy the condoms for him or not?

kellster 2

That's disgusting. I hope you told him to buy his own goddamned condoms!

f_all_our_lives 4

LOL YDI because u asked in the first place!

Reminded me an ad from Durex: "To all those who use our competitors' products: Happy Father's Day."