By fml - 22/06/2009 09:03 - United States

Today, I told my dad I was going to Walgreens and asked if he needed anything. He needed condoms, and that I should call him when I get there so he can explain the kind he likes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 439
You deserved it 5 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jakil_Spectre 0

Ewwww, that had to be awkward. Im glad my parents aren't that open. FYL

ThinkingPunkLove 0

That's disgusting and he can get his own ass up for that, I mean really i think he can buy his own damn condoms...


Doorhandle57 0

Your dad practices safe sex. Awesome.

If he were gay he wouldn't need condoms. That is kind of funny though... but kind of nasty [gay sex is so wrong and weird]

gelatinskeleton 0

Yes, Indigo1025, because men are incapable of spreading sexually transmitted diseases to one another. ._. You're a moron and, going off of what you said in the second half of your post, a closed-minded bigot. Do us all a favor and refrain from reproducing so we don't have to deal with more idiots like yourself.

Here, here Gelatinskelaton. Indigo 1025 (#54), you appear to be woefully stupid as well as being an intolerant dipshit. Enjoy your homophobia (that means fear of homosexuality) and be sure to keep using the condoms yourself, should you in fact ever get laid.

Wtf, what sort of father makes their daughter buy condoms for them?! FYL..

Where oh where have all the comments gone? Oh, and yeah, that could lead to interesting discussions with the cashier... Especially if you mentioned your father. FYL

LoL. Ew. You sure he wasn't joking?

uhhh = woww. sucks that u have to know the details of his condom preference !