By bigdawg702 - 26/09/2009 05:34 - United States

Today, I told my girlfriend of 9 months that I was ready for marriage and start having kids. She hasn't called or texted me since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 319
You deserved it 69 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On your first date, did you rub her belly and say, "Soon, this will be plump with my seed"?

After 9 months, starting to have kids ? ... Not all girls are looking forward to that you know


Nine months? No wonder she hates you now. Great work, YDI.

jchansfan 0

-Accidentally double posted...-

Not really the sort of thing you tell someone. More the sort of thing you ask them about... especially if it's only been 9 months.

I wonder why? Lmao My boyfriend and I started doing that too but there is a difference, we've dated before and are very close. HAVE TO KNOW IF TIME IS RIGHT

You sir are a fool! Discuss these things and find out what SHE think's first, that way if she says what you are thinking you can agree. If she says she's not ready then well, this won't happen. Isn't this textbook stuff? P.S. 9 months and ready to settle with kids, you are scary :)