By bigdawg702 - 26/09/2009 05:34 - United States

Today, I told my girlfriend of 9 months that I was ready for marriage and start having kids. She hasn't called or texted me since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 319
You deserved it 69 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On your first date, did you rub her belly and say, "Soon, this will be plump with my seed"?

After 9 months, starting to have kids ? ... Not all girls are looking forward to that you know


valeria_07 0

She probably just needs time and space to think about it. That's a big decision. It just scared her.

It says, "TODAY, I told my girlfriend.... And she hasn't tested me back since." if you just told her that today you haven't been waiting very long.

piles_of_fail 0

Fail. ALL FMLs start with today, no matter WHEN they actually occurred. You lose.

Violet_Illuser 0

All FML's say "TODAY" or have you not noticed this? That doesn't actually mean it happened "today." Maybe it was "yesterday" when it happened. Maybe it was "last week" when it happened. Safest thing to assume is that it's not really "today."

Yeah, I was thinking about that too. However, consider this: All these commenters thinking he wanted to get married and have kids now? One must think this is the common first thought after hearing this... While he maybe was trying to say he was willing to commit when she was ready, she took it as saying "LET'S DO IT NOW!" just like all of these people. Would have been in his best interest to stay quiet.

Gee, I wonder why. Because nine months is such a large amount of time you two spent together! I'm surprised you guys didn't get married by the third week! But you just like to take it slow, am I right? She'll come around eventually!

That may not have been the best way to put it at 9 months. Perhaps reassure her that you meant you were ready to when she was, not that you were ready and wanted to RIGHT NOW.

Perhaps that was not the best way to phrase it after only 9 months. You should reassure her that, while you're ready to now or when she wants to you can also wait I.E. you don't need to RIGHT NOW *sorry, didn't mean to post twice

I'll be blunt. Thats just plain creepy.

it's not really creepy. we don't know what their relationship was like. he might have truly been in love with her and wanted to spend his life with her and make it official ASAP because he loves her so much. it doesn't have to be creepy. and if she's that immature that she can't sit down and talk to you about it, OP, then she's probably not worth it anyway.