By Anonymous - 20/10/2009 06:51 - Canada

Today, I told my girlfriend of eight months that if she didn't start taking my band's music seriously, we couldn't see each other anymore. She said fine, and I hugged her, but then she stood up and said 'I hope we can still be friends,' and walked out the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 077
You deserved it 72 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a jerk for putting your band before your girl.

It's a sign from Jesus that she's not the one. Either that or He's trying to tell you that your music really does suck.


I wish my husband's bandmates had girlfriends like that - ones that would LEAVE if they didn't respect the fact that they're dating someone dedicated to a creative pursuit. Then they might get an actual PRACTICE in once in a while. A practice that isn't interrupted by cell phones whinging about "where ARE you?!?" every three seconds. Goddamn Yokos.

hahaha YDI don't be such an idiot if she doesn't like your music get over god not everyone has to like it.

lydia_cheyenne 0

i understand why you said that. if your going to be with someone they should be supportive for you as you should for them

By "supportive," you seem to mean "having the exact same opinion as he does." She can dislike his band's music without being unsupportive of his being a musician. It's just her personal opinion.

YDI for taking your music that serious.Clearly, your music isn't that good.

Seen on a bumper sticker on a car: "I used to be in a band, now I just play with myself."

Rubester 0

Ha, genius. Um, yeah, OP, you're an obvious douche bag. YDI, but not FML, because you wanted a resolution and you got it. Stop whining.

Dumb way to break up, girl and music are 2 different things. Glad she walked out on ya. YDI

ur fault...ur music could suckk to her. like maverick1031 said..girls an music are 2 COMPLETELY different things so YDI

Ah I see you're from BC Canada. So many losers here trying to become rockstars ... sigh.. Ydi, get a job douchebag

Rhaegar 0

LMAO. How long does it take your girlfriend to get over relationships? I might be calling her soon... She sounds way cooler than you.