By Anonymous - 20/10/2009 06:51 - Canada

Today, I told my girlfriend of eight months that if she didn't start taking my band's music seriously, we couldn't see each other anymore. She said fine, and I hugged her, but then she stood up and said 'I hope we can still be friends,' and walked out the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 077
You deserved it 72 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a jerk for putting your band before your girl.

It's a sign from Jesus that she's not the one. Either that or He's trying to tell you that your music really does suck.


RubixMonkey 0

Okay Robinhood, you and your merry band need to wake up. We don't know why you and your girl split but I think you should rethink your life. If your girlfriend doesn't respect your band, maybe you just aren't good. Or maybe you spend more time on the band than her. I am not saying having a hobby is a bad thing, but next time choose someone who understands your lifestyle choice. Did you take her seriously when she said she didn't like your band. Perhaps if you had listened then it wouldn't have come down to this, date a girl into band geeks.

Don't give someone an ultimatum unless you're ready for both outcomes.

YDI - Don't ask a question you don't want the answer to.

As someone who has been in a variety of bands for years, and who has had girlfriends throughout, I can honestly say that you're an absolute ass. You shouldn't have to threaten people to appreciate your music. Also, unless you're the next Beatles, there will inevitably be people who don't like you, especially at first. Embrace that, learn from it, change because of it. And if you can't keep your music and your personal life separate, you should really sit down and rethink your lifestyle choices. You have no idea how many interviews I've read of married musicians in popular bands who say "My wife really doesn't listen to my music all that much." You're probably not that good, nobody likes your music, the end.

You sir, are an idiot. If she doesn't take your "band" seriously, then it sure has a reason, you can't MAKE someone take you seriously, if you're completely ridiculous

If you can't take your former GF's opinion of your music seriously, you don't deserve her pussy.

YDI! Maybe your music is shit! Learn to respect other people's opinions!

good for her! your bands gay anyways, fag.