By AH. - 07/09/2009 18:16 - United States

Today, I told my parents that all I wanted for my 18th birthday was to go to a restaurant in NYC for a nice dinner. My parents said no, because it would cost too much money. I came home to see my parents had bought a huge TV for $800. We already have 3 televisions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 897
You deserved it 4 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's bull shit. Throw lasagna at them.

I'm gonna say FYL because I live in NJ and while it's hard to get to NY just for dinner, for a birthday that's a reasonable gift, so to say that's too expensive and then buy a brand new tv, that's just rude.


Expertfail 0

If they're the type to do that then you would hardly enjoy dinner with them anyway. Okay, that's not quite true; they're your family afterall.. But hell, it's an attempt at consolation. Who is in the wrong here depends on quite a few bits and bobs, there's not really enough info here to decide.

By huge, you must mean less than 32" and even then it's a good deal... Also, a nice dinner in NYC for 3 people would be at least $300 if no one's getting wine. I'm with the parents.

She turned ******* 18, she deserves at least a decent dinner. Money is something you always can have again; but you only get to be 18 once.

Not even close. Plasmas don't need motion plus because they don't have motion problems like LCDs.

Ritika 0

that is just sad they will get a tv instead for ur b-day party

thats just mean, personally i would prefer a nice dinner over a 4th tv any day. the big but short pleasures are more important than watching commercials and reality tv in a higher definition.

They brought you to this world and brought you up to be 18. Is that not enough that you have to be angry with them for not taking you to a dinner? There must have been countless dinners they missed trying to put you to sleep, and you miss one dinner today and you think your life is ****** because of them? Good things happen, bad things happen. When you whine about the bad, dont forget all the good that happened before that. My suggestion: Go, buy them a nice gift and than them for wonderful 18 years of your life with them and see how emotional they get. If you feel that they are not unnderstanding you and there has been some distance between them and you, take the first step and see if they are taking the next step or not. If one must be angry with the parents so much so that he thinks his life is ****** because of them, one must make sure that the reason is a damn good one.

This FML was another a birthday dinner. And you take it to a ******* philosophical standpoint. So just because OP wanted a nice dinner, makes them spoiled and ungrateful and not knowing what their parents had done for them? Sounds like you have a bit of a hero complex.

Alex_Almiighty 0

to everyone on here saying "omg im getting nothing for my birthday" or "spoiled?!?!?!", i'm sorry people want something for their birthday. not the OP's fault that all of your parents are poor and didn't get an education to be able to give you something for your birthday/christmas. to OP: i can't see how your parents wouldn't want to do this as well, everyone gets a good meal :D

YDI Get a job and buy your own dinner. Mom and Dad can spend their own money however they wish.

Alex_Almiighty 0

I'm guessing maybe they'd already bought the TV before you told them what you wanted. Parents try hard, and it's not your place to complain.