By oneillrox - 03/11/2011 20:06 - United States

Today, I took my cat to the vet for an x-ray. They found three dollar coins in his stomach. The surgery to remove them is $600. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 839
You deserved it 4 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DanGleesak 11
every1luvsboners 11

Give the cat two more dollar coins and it should shit out a five dollar bill.


Just shoot it quicker easier and cheaper

If you ever get sick, I hope someone shoots you.

Feed the cat more coins. You got yourself a free personal saving account. Saves you the trips to the bank and the paperwork.

And thats what happens when you mistake your cat for your piggy bank.

soccerprincess7 0

Screw the coins... Let the cat keep them

When I broke my arm I had to have surgery on it. The surgery cost $20,000....

Hey, did you find that cat stuffed down the back of your sofa by any chance?

the next person to say that gets high fived. inthe face. with a chair.

How did ur cat get a hold of them? I bet you paid about 8-900 total with the xrays