By Les Miserables is so sad - 02/01/2013 23:38 - Canada - Saint Albert

Today, I took my girlfriend to go see Les Misérables. I tried to stay tough but completely lost it and started sobbing when Anne Hathaway began singing. My girlfriend called me a wimp and stayed dry-eyed throughout the whole movie. I'm dating a robot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 439
You deserved it 15 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. You better never try to watch Marley and Me.

Sobbing is a bit much. Maybe a tear or two would have been okay.


Next time, keep it to a single manly tear.

onorexveritas 23

your girlfriend needs a new set of feelings

I have never cried at a movie on record. And I've seen some that made people bawl. Like Up. But I've never cried.

redmane 21

I don't know why you're getting thumbed down. Lack of tears at a movie does not mean that you don't empathize. I've never cried at a movie either but I still feel the emotion. I'm not a robot.

Maybe people are assuming that I sympathize with the girlfriend, which I don't. Her reply was uncalled-for. I just wanted to prove she's not the only one who doesn't cry at movies.

deelishy1409 4

Dont feel soo bad! I cried too but my boyfriend thought it was cute for some reason ...O.o

RuthiiFT 8

You're dating Kristen Stewart?

I laughed way harder than I should have at this.

carminecris89 13

Her not crying doesn't make her a robot. Movies like that are made to manipulate your emotions and not everyone falls for it. She shouldn't have called you a wimp...but I don't know if I would be too thrilled to see my boyfriend weeping at that type of movie either.

Yeah, but her apparently not having any emotions during a sad scene does. And it's pretty mean to call someone a wimp for crying at a heartbreaking scene. I've seen the play before--although not for years--and would like to see the movie. I may cry, I may not, but yeah, I know pretty much what happens.

redmane 21

Emotion is a mental reaction. Tearing is a physical reaction to the mental reaction. I can feel angry while looking happy. I can feel just fine while looking depressed. Just because OPs girlfriend doesn't look like she's sad doesn't mean she's not sad. I don't cry at movies but I feel the emotion. I suggest OP ask his girlfriend how it made her feel. I agree, calling him a wimp is harsh.

I don't see nothing wrong with that maybe she didn't see what you saw.

oh well you ARE a wimp. who cries on a stupid movie eh? stupid emotional freak.