By Les Miserables is so sad - 02/01/2013 23:38 - Canada - Saint Albert

Today, I took my girlfriend to go see Les Misérables. I tried to stay tough but completely lost it and started sobbing when Anne Hathaway began singing. My girlfriend called me a wimp and stayed dry-eyed throughout the whole movie. I'm dating a robot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 439
You deserved it 15 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. You better never try to watch Marley and Me.

Sobbing is a bit much. Maybe a tear or two would have been okay.


'I'm dating a robot' - bit harsh!! I haven't cried at a film since I saw the Fox and the Hound when I was about 9, but I'm not a robot. I've got a little teary eyed at one or two films that bore a lot of resemblance to real life, but mostly I know that films aren't real. So while I get sad, I don't get sad enough to cry about them. I don't think there's anything wrong with crying at a film, just that it's unnecessary to be wailing every time something sad happens, or when it's totally unrealistic. So I wouldn't give my boyfriend a hard time about crying at a film, although it would be very unusual.

gigi26 6

Wow , dry as bone Hun . She's strong lol

perhaps she was too bored to even give a damn

HeckYeah 2

Nothing wrong with crying at a movie- but she's not a robot just because she didn't cry. While she might have gone a little too far with calling you a wimp, she's not a robot. I didn't cry at that movie, either, and I know I'm not one.

toalysium 15

Turn your man-card over to your gf OP, and buy yourself a Betty Crocker apron. WTF happened in society that so many women on here want soft creatures like you?

That's what my sister thought of me when I didn't cry at my brothers wedding.

i can't say I blame you for being lost if you never saw the play. I only knew what was going on because I had background knowledge going into it. And who wouldn't cry during that song? You are not less of a man for crying during I Dreamed a Dream.

Or maybe your girlfriend felt the way I did about it- that Anne Hathaway completely massacred that role & that the stage performance is much better than the cinematic performance. It was impossible for me to get emotional over it because I thought the whole thing was just too hollywood, & not enough theatre.

madgrinchhatter 12

It was more realism and less theatrical. Cissies was terrible and Crowe was off key but Anne Hathaway was AMAZING

I loved Crowe's voice & I thought he played the role excellently. Helena Bonham Carter & Sasha Baron Cohen were brilliant as the Thenardier's- I really feel they were perfect for the roles, but Anne sounded like a screeching cat & Amanda Seyfried was more believable when she had 4 dads.