By trainhump - 20/02/2010 10:54 - Australia

Today, I took the train to work. There was an older man standing behind me. Everytime I tried to edge away from him, he edged closer. Everytime the train rocked even slightly, his crotch made contact with my behind. It was an extremely bumpy train ride. I could also tell when he became hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 297
You deserved it 3 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ugh gross I definitely wouldve turned around and yelled at him to gtf away from me.


gecko13 0

so common in over crowded trains in japan. thought to be acceptabe. some things can't be helped.

As long as this wasn't the only action you've gotten this year, FYL

Pearljammer001 0

you have just found an extremely rare, almost extinct species called the butt-pirate!

fees go up but you got free service... ewwwww

Why are there almost duplicate FMLs within a few days of each other?

I just cannot believe you would ever put up with that. What that man was doing is sexual harassment and he could get into big trouble for that. It's disgusting, and I would have made sure that pig would never be able to use his penis ever again.

tomahawkinyouall 0

well your freakin retarded for letting him do that. I would of hit him right between the eyes