By Ella - 24/07/2009 02:26 - United States

Today, I tried to break up with my boyfriend. He said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 471
You deserved it 28 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Step 1.) Kick him in the balls. Step 2.) Repeat as necessary until desired results are shown. lul.


AHAHAHAH! That made me laugh so hard (x

its not a suggestion... too bad on him. leave! he sounds like a creep.

your life sucks because clearly you have no backbone. tell him you are leaving and that it's not a discussion. get a restraining order if necessary.

you have two options here rethink you wanting to break up with him beause he obviosly loves you,or slap him and say don't tell me no dumbass its over!

It's like launching missiles from a submarine. You both have to turn your key.

just leave him, its not that hard. its not like hes gonna be "if I cant have her, *deep voice*, NOBODY CAN!!" and kill you, or would he?>..... ya, your stupid for just staying with him

lmao, ur bf got that idea from Seinfeld.

Lol ...and you think that means something?