By Anonymous - 23/03/2012 23:51 - United States - Meredith

Today, I tried to impress my girlfriend by vaulting over the side of a stairway rail parkour-style. Now I feel like I almost broke my legs, and judging by her hysterical laughter, she considers me more of a fool than a stud. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 850
You deserved it 32 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes, if you had succeeded, you would've been quite the stud indeed.

kalgon 0

Making a woman laugh is the key to her kingdom.


This-by far- made laugh more than any FML to date. Sorry old chap, for the broken legs that is. Bahaha!!

chels1994 11

Reminds me of the parkour scene in The Office (:

babykillaseason 0

In the words of dwight shrute, "Hardcore parkour!!!!!!!"

Proof once more than any FML with the words 'I tried to impress...' or 'trying to look cool, I...' automatically deserves a YDI.

awww, your girlfriend is a bitch for laughing so long... I probably would have laughed a little at first, but mostly check if you were ok... dump her

At least you know how to make a girl laugh

secondchance128 2

Piece of advice, they love it if you land on your feet. And walk away from it, not break your shins in the process.

If you do try to do it again for any reason. Try landing on the balls of your feet by your toes and absorb the impact as you land through your knees.

XDsmileyDX_fml 24